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Research index

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Title Overview Date
Local content in regional Australia Examines the availability and consumption of local content and local news in regional Australia
Radio in the bush Explores the radio listening habits of people living in remote and very remote Western Australia
Telemarketing calls in Australia Investigates the consumer experience of telemarketing calls in Australia
Data-driven marketing practices: Australian industry participants survey results Presents the results of a survey examining data-driven marketing practices and trends
Migrating to the NBN: The experience of Australian consumers Presents results of research examining Australians’ experience of migration to NBN services
Reconnecting the customer—Tracking consumer outcomes: 2016 update (RTC2) Tracks the effectiveness of 2012 changes to the TCP Code and other outcomes of our Reconnecting the Customer inquiry
Communications report 2015–16 Provides an overview of communications and media in Australia during 2015–16
Digital lives of older Australians This research report explores the levels of online engagement of Australians aged 65 and over. It includes how often the internet
5G and mobile network developments - Emerging issues occasional paper Looks at 5G mobile developments and the opportunities for mobile broadband and M2M communication
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