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Research index

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Title Overview Date
Communications report 2017–18 Provides an overview of communications and media in Australia during 2017–18
Unsolicited calls in Australia: Consumer experience Focuses on the number, type and management of unsolicited calls, and use of the Do Not Call Register
International best practice for unsolicited communications Examines how international jurisdictions manage unsolicited communications and offers insight into global trends
NBN consumer experience: Households and businesses—the end-to-end journey Investigates the experience of households and small to medium-sized businesses moving to and using services delivered over the NBN
Snapshot: NBN consumer experience residential research snapshot
Triple Zero by the numbers Looks at how, when and why people call emergency services – in infographic form
Communications report 2016–17 Provides an overview of communications and media in Australia during 2016–17
International best practice for spectrum management Examines international best practice for spectrum management and the implications for improving it in Australia
Kids' TV viewing and multi-screen behaviour Looks at changes in kids’ viewing habits, including the popularity of children’s programs on free-to-air and subscription TV
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