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Title Overview Date
What audiences want – Audience expectations for content safeguards Our views on what safeguards Australian audiences expect when they consume media on TV, radio, in print or online
The role of affiliate services in promoting illegal online gambling in Australia Examines how gambling affiliates operate across a range of online platforms.
Online gambling in Australia snapshot Examines the prevalence and nature of online gambling in Australia, and changes in recent years.
Unsolicited communications in Australia: Consumer experience research 2021 Highlights Australian consumers’ experience of unsolicited communications in 2021, including the different types of contact.
Communications and media in Australia: Trends and developments in telecommunications 2020–21 Provides an overview of the Australian telecommunications sector during the 2020–21 financial year.
Reality TV research Examines Australians’ viewing experiences of Australian-made reality TV, focusing on ‘relationship-based’ programs.
Natural language processing technologies in government Explores the use of AI analysis and processing of human language in different sectors and regulatory environments.
The digital lives of younger and older Australians Explores how younger and older Australians access the internet and communicate online, including patterns in their usage.
Communications and media in Australia: Supply and use of services 2019–20 Details the delivery of telco, broadcasting and digital platform services in Australia throughout 2019–20.
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