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Title Overview Date
Telco consumer experience: Australian adults, households and businesses Explores what Australian adults, households and small businesses think about their telco services.
Trends in online behaviour and technology usage Tracks changes in how Australians engage with media and communications, including the impact of COVID-19
Internet of Things in media and communications: Occasional paper This paper explores the impacts of the Internet of Things (IoT) across the media and communications environment
Artificial intelligence in communications and media: Occasional paper This report explores artificial intelligence (AI) technologies within the communications and media markets
EME measurements near small cell base stations Details electromagnetic energy public exposure levels at 59 small cell sites across Australia to assess carriers’ compliance
Communications report 2018–19 Provides an overview of communications and media in Australia during 2018–19
Australians and news—impartiality and commercial influence Explores consumer concerns about impartiality and commercial influence in news in Australia. Part of a series of 3
Combating Scams - summary report This research confirms that scam activity is a significant problem and people expect more to be done by industry and government
NBN Wi-Fi modem study Examines the performance of Wi-Fi modems used for NBN fibre-to-the-node and fibre-to-the-building phone and internet services
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