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Research index

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Title Overview Date
Market study: Australian space sector Looks at developments in the Australian and international space sectors and how they inform us.
New tech applications for regulatory outcomes: occasional paper Examines uses of regulatory technology in different sectors and regulatory environments.
Emerging technologies – Internet of Things and digital twins: occasional paper Explores Internet of Things applications and ‘digital twins’, including uses for industry regulation.
Customer financial hardship in the telco industry: State of play report 2019–20 Analyses how major telcos are assisting their customers who are in financial hardship.
Kids and mobiles: how Australian children are using mobile phones Examines trends in ownership and use of mobile phones by Australian children since 2015.
Kids and mobiles – How Australian children are using mobile phones: Methodology Details the methodology we used to produce the 'Kids and mobiles' interactive report.
Mobile-only Australia: living without a fixed line at home Looks at the use of mobile devices by Australians at home over the last 6 years.
News in Australia: diversity and localism Reviews the work program we conducted on Australian news looking at diversity and localism.
Trends in viewing and listening behaviour Tracks changes in the ways Australians are engaging with media and communications.
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