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5G and mobile network developments - Emerging issues occasional paper

This occasional paper looks at 5G mobile developments and the opportunities that this evolution in mobile technology offers to the Australian community through increased use of mobile broadband and machine-to-machine communication.

February 2016

In our latest occasional paper we look at 5G mobile developments and the opportunities that this evolution in mobile technology offers to the Australian community through increased use of mobile broadband and machine-to-machine communication.

Australia has benefited from progressive investments and upgrades in mobile network capabilities and service deployments. Successive generations of mobile technologies have been deployed in Australia approximately every 10 years. 5G represents the next expected evolution in mobile technologies. There has already been a range of 5G-related announcements by Australian mobile operators over the past year, including the commitment to work towards a commercial 5G mobile network deployment in 2020.

The ACMA is already working to identify ways that 5G technologies can be facilitated in Australia. In addition to the ACMA’s spectrum management activities, other initiatives include the our recently released mobile broadband strategy, Beyond 2020 and the Spectrum Review undertaken jointly with the Department of Communications and the Arts.

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