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Unsolicited calls in Australia: Consumer experience

This research report looks at Australian adults’ experience of unsolicited calls. The research focused on the incidence, type and management of unsolicited calls consumers receive.

The ACMA’s Unsolicited calls in Australia—Consumer research report looks at Australian adults’ experience of unsolicited calls. The research was commissioned to inform the ACMA’s:

  • report to the minister on industry self-regulation of commercial electronic messages, the Do Not Call Register and the Integrated Public Number Database
  • ongoing compliance, enforcement and education activities

The research focused on the incidence, type and management of unsolicited calls consumers receive. It also explored understanding and attitudes around consent and regulation of unsolicited calls, as well as consumer awareness and use of the Do Not Call Register.

Fieldwork for the qualitative and quantitative research was conducted between February and April 2018.

International best practice for unsolicited communications research was also commissioned, to assist the ACMA to understand how international jurisdictions are approaching the management of unsolicited communications.

Please send any comments or enquires about the report to

Release date

December 2018

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