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News in Australia: diversity and localism

We conducted a work program on Australian news, looking at diversity and localism. This includes an exploration of how it can be measured over time across the variety of news sources being consumed.

On 12 December 2023, the ACMA released its advice to government on implementing a Media Diversity Measurement Framework, which builds on and updates the News in Australia: diversity and localism research package discussed below.


More information on the revised framework, and the work currently underway, is available on our Media Diversity Measurement Framework page.

Our News in Australia: diversity and localism package was produced as a part of our broader 2019–20 work program exploring Australia’s news environment. It includes:

  • a paper outlining a potential framework for measuring diversity and localism in news
  • a review of literature and research
  • qualitative research that explores consumer behaviour and attitudes
  • an overview of international regulatory approaches.

Our news environment has changed significantly in recent years, with Australians now accessing a variety of sources of news online and offline.

Supporting local news and diversity in Australia’s news are important objectives – reflected in our regulatory framework – which underpin our democracy and community connections. This work program supports and informs discussion on news diversity and localism.   

Note: This research was completed by March 2020, with publication delayed due to a shift in priorities resulting from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our related research on commercial influence and impartiality in broadcast news was published in January 2020. 

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