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Government procurement

We buy goods and services from outside the ACMA. The way we do this is set by the Commonwealth Procurement Rules (CPRs).

To make sure we achieve value for money in all our purchases, we:

  • encourage competition
  • promote the use of resources in an efficient, effective, ethical and economical way
  • make decisions that are accountable and transparent.

We publish all open tender opportunities on the Australian Government Electronic Tender System to AusTender. We also report all awarded contracts greater than $10,000 on AusTender.

As a potential or current supplier to the ACMA, you have the right to be treated fairly throughout the procurement process and to have complaints investigated quickly and without disadvantage. If you have a complaint about a procurement process, in the first instance, please use the contact details provided in the tender opportunity.


The Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018 gives suppliers, and potential suppliers, the right to a judicial review of a procurement process if they believe the ACMA, or an ACMA official, has or will, breach the CPRs.

The Act requires the accountable authorities of relevant Commonwealth entities to formally investigate complaints that are made in accordance with the Act, and to suspend procurements during the investigation of a complaint under the Act, unless a public interest certificate is in place.

For more information on your obligations as a supplier when raising a complaint, see the 'Selling to Government Guide' on the Department of Finance’s website.

Under the Act, complaints must be made in writing to the accountable authority immediately after becoming aware of the alleged breach of the relevant CPRs.

To lodge a complaint under the Act, please contact

Public Interest Certificates

A Public Interest Certificate (PIC) is a document issued by the accountable authority in accordance with section 22 of the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018.

A PIC will state that it is not in the public interest for a particular procurement process to be suspended while applications for injunctions are being considered, or complaints are being investigated, under the Act.

A PIC should only be issued in a situation where a suspension would result in a real adverse consequence for the public interest. Such an adverse impact on the public interest should exceed the right of any aggrieved supplier to have the covered procurement suspended.

A PIC may be issued at any stage during the covered procurement process, however it is considered good practice to determine if a public interest certificate will be required as soon as possible in the procurement process (and prior to any potential complaints).

Procurement Date Issued Public Interest Certificate
Provider of a spectrum management solution and associated maintenance, support and expert advice 16 March 2023


Provider of a spectrum auction capability and associated maintenance, support and expert advice 1 November 2021


Provider and Service Operator for the National Self Exclusion Register

22 February 2021

RFT 19ACMA102.1

Next up: Financial hardship in the telco sector: Keeping the customer connected
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