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4.Sign up using Australia Post Digital iD


4.1 Verify your email address

  1. Enter your email address in the text box
  2. Click Send verification code

If you require help to follow the ACMA Assist registration guide, please contact


You will receive an email from
  3. Copy or make a note of the verification code

If you require help to follow the ACMA Assist registration guide, please contact


 4. Paste or type the verification code in the textbox
 5. Click Verify code
  Note: If you don’t receive an email within a few minutes, check your junk folder. If it is not there, click Send   new code.

If you require help to follow the ACMA Assist registration guide, please contact


4.2 Create a password
Create an 8–16 character password that contains at least 3 of the following:

  • lowercase characters: a–z
  • uppercase characters: A–Z
  • digits: 0–9
  • symbols: @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ’ , ? ` ~ ” ( ) ; .

 1. Enter your password in the text box
 2. Confirm your password by re-entering it in the next text box

If you require help to follow the ACMA Assist registration guide, please contact




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