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Communications and media in Australia: Trends and developments in telecommunications 2022–23

Our latest Trends and developments in telecommunications report explores changes in Australian telecommunications in 2022–23. The report highlights developments in the supply and use of telecommunications. It is part of our Communications and media in Australia series.

The way Australians use communication services continues to change. As we do more activities online, we’ve become more reliant on both wired and wireless telecommunications.

Key highlights:

  • Australians downloaded over 12 million terabytes of data over retail broadband internet and mobile services in the December 2022 quarter.
  • NBN connections carried 83% of data downloads in the December 2022 quarter.
  • There were 39.6 million mobile services in operation in June 2023.
  • 5G services covered 85% of the Australian population.

Download the 2022–23 research report below.




View our associated research: 

Communications and media in Australia: How we communicate

Communications and media in Australia: How we use the internet

Communications and media in Australia: Trends and developments in viewing and listening


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