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Communications report 2014–15

The report provides an overview of the Australian telecommunications industry performance against a range of regulatory obligations including compliance with safeguards such as the Customer Service Guarantee Standard, the provision of emergency call services, and compliance with codes and standards and developments in relation to broadcasting and online content.

Australians are increasingly using the internet for more of their daily activities, with industry continuing to support this internet-enabled communications environment. In particular, Australians are going over-the-top (OTT) with online communications and video services. 

The report fulfills the ACMA's statutory reporting requirements under section 105 of the Telecommunications Act 1997 to report to the Minister for Communications on significant matters relating to the performance of carriers and carriage service providers, including consumer satisfaction, consumer benefits and quality of service.

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Report and related material

Video—Communications report 2014–15

Release date

2 December 2015

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